
November 2019
Master of Light Gold Medal in Through the Viewfinder 2019 photo contest in Serbia. Results

November 2019
GAP Silver Medal and GPU Silver Medal in NEW Bi - Continental Photo Circuit 2019 in Greece and United Arab Emirates.

August 2013
UPI Bronze Medal in Photo Focus 2013 in Macedonia.

August 2013
IVAF Gold Medal in "Perspective One - International Salon of Fine Art Photography - 2013" in India.

August 2013
2 FIAP Honorable Mentions in "Photo Salon - OSIJEK 2013" in Croatia.

August 2013
FIAP Gold Medal in "IV Salo Internacional Fotografic Andorra 2013" in Andora.

July 2013
FIAP Bronze Medal and FIAP Honorable Mention in 2nd International Salon of Photography "FKNS - GRAND PRIX 2013" in Serbia.

November 2012
FIAP Gold Medal in "4th Finland International Digital Circuit 2012" in Finland.

October 2012
PSA gold medal and Honorable Mention in "AC-FOTO german mega circuit 2012" in Germany.

July 2011
PSA Silver Medal in Photo Focus 2011 in Macedonia.

May 2011
FIAP Bronze Medal + (NSFF Gold medal Best landscape) in 1st Arctic Exhibition of Photographic Art 2011 in Norway.

December 2010
2 Honorable Mentions in "1st INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXIBITION MEN and WORK 2010" in�Sebia

July 2010
Medal in "Emirates Photography Competition 2010" in UAE.

May 2010
Honorable mention in "VIRTUAL SALON 2010" in Argentina.

April 2010
2 honorable mentions in "GERMAN OPEN Circuit 2010" in Germany.

April 2010

December 2009
FIAP Silver Medal and 3 Honorable Mentions in "1 st Finland International Digital Circuit" in Finland.

December 2009
PSA Best of Show Gold medal, GMC medal and 3 honrable Mentions in "German Mega Circuit 2009" in Germany.

December 2009
Higly Commended in "Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography" photo contest in Great Britain.

December 2009
Honorable Mention in "3rd Croatian International Digital Photo Salon - OSIJEK 2009" in Croatia.

December 2009
FIAP Silver Medal in "3rd Exhibition of Photography Zajecar 2009" in Serbia.

December 2009
Honorable Mention in "7. Digital Master Circuit 2009" photo contest in Austria.

December 2009
Medal in "116th Toronto International Salon of Photography" photo contest in Canada.

December 2009
Runners-up prize in "Mysterious Places" photo contest in Great Britain.

December 2009
Distinction in "Kolory Lata" photo contest in Poland.

December 2009
Sponsor's Prize in "Mountain Landscape" photo contest, Nowy Targ, Poland.

December 2009
3-rd place in "Morze 2009" photo contest in Poland.

December 2009
Bronze Medal in "II Internacional Virtual FC Quilmes 2009" photo contest in Argentina.

December 2009
Honorable Mention in "7 Bienal Internacional de Imagen Virtual SICAFI 2009" photo contest in Argentina.

April 2009
Gold Medal in "Trierenberg Super Circuit 2009" photo contest in Austria.

April 2009
Silver RPS Medal and 2 Honorable Mentions in "Bristol International Salon of Photography" photo contest in Great Britain.

April 2009
Medal in "Brandywine Exhibition 2009" photo contest in USA.

April 2009
2 Honorable Mentions in "33. Tauernkristall 2009" photo contest in Austria.

April 2009
PSA Gold medal and 3 Honorable Mentions in "2nd German Open Circuit" photo contest in Germany.

April 2009
FIAP Gold medal in " II International Competition of Photography" photo contest in Turkey.

April 2009
2nd place in Landscape and Nature category in "Emiartes Photography Exhibition" photo contest in United Arab Emirates.

April 2009
2 SCC Medals in "2009 Southampton International Exhibition" photo contest in Great Britain.

April 2009
Gold Medal and Honorable Mention in "Light and Shadow 2009" photo contest in Ukraine.

April 2009
FIAP Honorable Mention in "2nd INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXIBITION BOR 2009" photo contest in Serbia.

March 2009
First place in Landscape category in "Wanderlust Travel Photo of het Year" photo contest in Great Britain.

March 2009
Honorable Mention in "2009 Saguaro Nature Exhibition" photo contest in USA.

March 2009
Honorable Mention in "Tropical Image Exhibition" photo contest in USA.

February 2009
First Place in "Digital Camera Photograper of the Year" photo contest in Great Britain.

February 2009
Medal in "Delaware Valley Photo Travel Circuit" photo contest in USA.

February 2009
Honorable Mention in "CVDCC Coachella 2009 International Exhibition" photo contest in USA.

February 2009
Honorable Mention in "The 1st Great British Small Prints Circuit : 2009" photo contest in Great Britain.

February 2009
6 Honorable Mentions in "2009 Georgia Southern Exhibition Circuit" photo contest in USA.

February 2009
Honorable Mention in "2nd Great Lakes Digital Salon" photo contest in USA.

January 2009
Gold Medal in "2009 Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography" photo contest in USA.

January 2009
VOAV Silver Medal in "Donauweibchen 2008" photo contest in Austria.

January 2009
Certificate of Merit in "Maitland International Salon of Photography" photo contest in Australia.

January 2009
3-rd place in "Iluminacja" photo contest in Poland.

December 2008
SPS Silver Medal in "Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography 2008" photo contest in Great Britain.

December 2008
Gold Medal in "55th Singapore International Photography Award" photo contest in Singapore.

December 2008
1st and 4th place in "International Aperture Awards 2008" photo contest in Austraila.

December 2008
Medal in "2008 Northstar International Circuit of Nature Photography" photo contest in USA.

December 2008
Finalist of "Zycie Jest Piekne" photo contest in Poland.

December 2008
FIAP Silver Medal - Best Landscape in "115th Toronto International Salon of Photography" photo contest in Canada.

December 2008
Second place in Vietnam and third place in Spain in "ISF Worldcup 2008" photo contest.

December 2008
Distinction in "Uchwyć Energię" photo contest in Poland.

November 2008
PSA Gold Medal and 2 Honorable Mentions in "Detroit International Salon of Photography" photo contest in USA.

November 2008
Bronze Medal in "Citta di Garbagnate" photo contest in Italy.

November 2008
Honorable Mention in photo contest "Śladami Leona Wyczółkowskiego" in Poland.

November 2008
Gold Medal and FIAP Honorable Mention in "NFI - Fotomeisterschaft 2008" photo contest in Austria.

November 2008
Medal and 3 Honorable Mentions in "German Mega Circuit 2008" photo contest in Germany.

November 2008
2 Honorable Mentions in "World of Salon Photography" photo contest in Malaisie.

November 2008
Honorable Mention in "French Digital Tour 2008" photo contest in France.

November 2008
Silver Medal in "The Chung Ai Photographic Society International Salon of Photography 2008" photo contest in China.

November 2008
Finalist in Sigle Shot: Place and Highly Commended in Sigle Shot - Place and Photo Essay: A Traveller's Tale categories in "Expose Your World 2008" photo contest in Australia.

November 2008
FIAP Gold Medal in "16th PSSM Internation Exhibition of Photography Macao 2008" photo contest in Macao.

November 2008
1st place in "People" category and Honorable Mention in "Nature" category in "Magia Dwoch Swiatow" photo contest in Poland.

October 2008
FPF Medal in "The 9th Salon International Photographique de Wervicq-Sud 2008" photo contest in France.

October 2008
Medal in "5th Photolovers International Slide and Digital Circuit, 2008" photo contest in India.

October 2008
Bronze medal in "1st International Photography Exibition Stara Planina 2008" photo contest in Serbia.

October 2008
FIAP honorable mention in "2nd International Salon Of Photography - Mersin 2008" photo contest in Turkey.

October 2008
3rd place in "Wakacyjny Konkurs Fotograficzny" in Poland.

October 2008
FIAP Bronze Medal and FIAP honorable mention in "Orhan Holding 4th International Exhibition Of Photography / 2008", photo contest in Turkey.

October 2008
Gold PSA Medal - Best of Show in "ICS International 2008" photo contest in USA.

October 2008
PSA Best Landscape Award in "Detroit International Salon of Photography 2008" photo contest in USA.

October 2008
6 Honorable Mentions in "2008 Digital Georgia Circuit " photo contest in USA.

October 2008
Bronze PSA Medal in "International Salon of Photography - Tallaght 2008" photo contest in Ireland.

October 2008
Honorablem Mention in "3rd International Salon of Art Photography "Pokrova Vernissage 2008" photo contest in Ukraine.

October 2008
1-st place in "Gory - kolor i przestrzeń" photo contest in Poland.

September 2008
2 Bronze Medals and 16 Honorable Mentions in "2008 Georgia Southern 17th Circuit" photo contest in USA.

September 2008
Silver medal in B&W category in "4th Annual 2008 IAPP Juried Panoramic Photography" photo contest in USA.

September 2008
Silver medal in "2008 International Projected Image Exhibition" photo contest in UK.

August 2008
2nd and 3rd place in Landscape category in "International Photography Awards 2008" photo contest in USA.

August 2008
Honorable Mention in "9th International Digital Imaging Competition 2008" photo contest in Germany.

August 2008
Distinction in "Tylko Jedno Zdjęcie" photo contest in Poland.

August 2008
Gold PSA medal in "I Internacional Virtual FC Quilmes 2008" photo contest in Argentina.

July 2008
2 silver medals, bronze medal and honorable mention in "2008 S4C International Exhibitions" photo contest, USA.

June 2008
1-st Prize in "Mountain Landscape" photo contest, Nowy Targ, Poland.

May 2008
Honorable Mention in "44th Fresno International Exhibition of Phtography" photo contest, USA.

May 2008
2 Gold Medals in "Special Themes Circuit" photo contest in Austria.

May 2008
Honorable Mention in "2008 Saguao Nature Exhibition" photo contest, USA.

May 2008
2nd and 3rd place in Fine Art - Landscape and 3rd place in Nature - Landscape in "PX3 Prix De La Photographie" photo contest in Paris, France.

May 2008
Honorable mention in "3rd Ecological Truth Exhibition 2008" photo contest, Serbia.

April 2008
2 Honorable Mentions in "2008 7th Suncoast Virtual" photo contest, USA.

April 2008
Silver VOAV medal in 1st Salon of "6th Digital Master Circuit 2008", Austria.

April 2008
Highly Commended in "Bristol International Salon of Photography" photo contest, UK.

April 2008
Honorable mention in "Euro-Picamera" photo contest, Belgium.

April 2008
Silver VOAV medal in "11th VOAV-Competition for digital IMAGING 2008", Austria.

April 2008
Honorable Mention in "2008 Tropical Image International Exhibition", USA.

March 2008
2 Honorable Mentions and Club Diploma in "6th Holland International Image Circuit ", Netherlands.

March 2008
Third Prize in "Colors of Life" photo contest, USA.

March 2008
PSA Silver Medal (Best Landscape) in "95th Southampton Exhibition of Photography" photo contest, UK.

March 2008
"Best of Show" award in "The 1st Great Lakes Digital Salon" photo contest, USA.

February 2008
"Best Mono" prize in "The Welsh International Projected Image Salon 2008" photo contest, UK.

February 2008
2nd place in "2007 Environment Photographer of the Year" competition, UK.

February 2008
FIAP Gold medal in "The 5th Swansea City Exhibition of International Photography 2008" photo contest in UK.

January 2008
Runner Up Prize in the Landscape category of the 2007 "Geographical Photographer of the Year" competition, UK.

January 2008
FIAP honorable mention in "Penzberg Salon" photo contest. Germany.

January 2008
FIAP honorable mention in "Kirchheim unter Teck Salon" photo contest. Germany.

January 2008
Honorable mention in "Naturscapes, 2007 Images of the Year" photo contest. UK.

January 2008
FIAP honorable mention in "33rd Smethwick International" photo contest. UK.

December 2007
1st prize in "Travel Photographer of the Year", England.

December 2007
2nd prize in "Zielone Karpaty" photo contest, Poland.

December 2007
Silver TCC medal - Best General in "114th Toronto International Salon Of Photography", Canada.

November 2007
Bronze FIAP medal and DEVNYA award in "International Salon Of Photography - Varna 2007", Bulgaria.

November 2007
2nd prize in contest "Moja Europa", Poland.

November 2007
2nd prize in contest "Otwarte Mistrzostwa Fotograficzne - Olsztyn 2007", Poland.

November 2007
FIAP honorable mention in "The Golden, International Salon of Photography", Danmark.

November 2007
Distinction in "Pejzaz Polski" photo contest, Poland.

November 2007
1st prize in "Spotkania z Fotografia" photo contest, Poland.

October 2007
FIAP honorable mention in "1st International Salon Of Digital Photography - Svit 2007", Slovenia.

October 2007
FIAP honorable mention in "1st Salon International d'Art Photographique de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines", France.

October 2007
Distinction in Olympus Photo Contest, Poland.

October 2007
FIAP honorable mention in "Orhan Holding 3rd International Exhibition Of Photography / 2007", Turkey.

October 2007
FIAP honorable mention in "1st International Salon Of Photography - Mersin 2007", Mersin, Turkey.

October 2007
Distinction in photo contest "The Man And A Mountains", Poland.

October 2007
Bronze FIAP medal in "2nd Agens International Photo Competition", Budapest, Hungary.

October 2007
Honorable Mention in "II Salon Internacional de Fotografia Digital Illes Balears", Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

October 2007
1st prize in Landscape category, Honorable Mention in Cityscapes and Fuji Gallery Award in "IAPP International Panoramic Contest", USA.

September 2007
1st prize in nature category in "3-rd National Geographic Photo Contest", Poland.

September 2007
Bronze FIAP medal in "1-st Croatian International Digital Photo Salon - Osijek 2007", Croatia.

September 2007
Grand Prix in "Czysta Woda - Zdrowe Ciało" photo contest, Katowice, Poland.

September 2007
Silver FIAP medal in "1-st International Photographic Biennale Rivne 2007", Ukraine.

September 2007
1st prize in Nature category in "Bezcenne Chwile" photo contest, Poland.

September 2007
Honorable Mention in "The RedBubble Real Photography Comp", Australia.

September 2007
Main prize in Landscape Category of "Przestrzeń Życia" photo contest in Zakopane, Poland.

August 2007
3rd prize in "Planeta Olympus" photo contest, Poland.

August 2007
Honorable Mention in "The International Print Exhibition and The International Projected Image Exhibition", UK.

August 2007
Honorable Mention in "Pilsner Urquell International Photography Awards 2007" in Landscape Category, USA.

August 2007
Honorable Mention in PSA International Exhibition of Photography, USA.

June 2007
Main prize in "IV international festival of nature and landscape photography - Krynica 2007", Poland.

June 2007
Silver FIAP medal in "Mountain Landscape Photo Contest" in Nowy Targ, Poland.

June 2007
1st prize in "Takie jest życie, taki jest świat" photo competition in Karlino, Poland.

November 2006
2nd prize in photo contest "Tatrzańska Jesień" in Zakopane, Poland.